Background image sourced from Pinterest




Hello lovelies!

April is National Poetry month — a month where you read, write, and celebrate poetry. Escapril is a poetry challenge created by author, poet, and Youtuber, Savannah Brown (you can find her on all the social platforms). The challenge is to write a poem a day for each day in April. Sav has given us handy dandy prompts for each day that we can interpret and use however we wish. I am up to day 12 (although it’s technically day 13 now), and I’ve had a blast!

How it works: sourced from @letscapril on Instagram

I was personally feeling a little uninspired, poetry wise, so this challenge came up at the perfect time!

Escapril Prompts for 2021 sourced from @letscapril on Instagram

Feel free to join me in this poetic endeavor — it’s never too late! Tag me in your poems, and if you do upload them on Instagram or YouTube or wherever, make sure to use the #escapril2021 hashtag.

I will upload my poems so far in another blog post!

Until then,





Lover of all things tea, books, journaling, and poetry.