a teabag cartoon saying you’re tea-rriffic!!

A Tea-rriffic welcome

1 min readMar 19, 2021

First of all, I would like to give a massive thankyou to my dear friend Naomi. This blog exists because of you and your encouragement!

About me… I am 21 years old, and I just bloody love tea. And books. And journaling. And I write poetry, too! I’ve always wanted to have a space where I could combine all my passions in one place. This is the place. This is it.

Me sipping a cup of tea, of course!

This blog will feature book reviews, sharing my many cups of tea, rants about mental health (to raise awareness, of course), journaling prompts (and benefits!) and some of my own poetry.

I might also share any amazing poetry I’ve read during the week/month/year. There may be a sprinkle of sunset photos too — I LOVE sunsets and just nature in general.

If the above sounds like your cup of tea (see what I did there?) would love to have you in my corner.

Until next time,





Lover of all things tea, books, journaling, and poetry.