Procrastination Land

2 min readApr 13, 2021


Hello my lovelies!

I’ve been a bit off the grid here for a couple of weeks, because I’ve spent two weeks in Canberra with my lovely partner, Alexander.

Back in Perth now, I surf my YouTube to watch something, and face a troubling dilemma. My ‘watch later’ list is growing by the minute and yet…nothing much gets watched, because to my brain, “I’m not in the perfect mood or scenario for it” or “this isn’t the right time” or “I have no time to watch it now..” and then when that “perfect” time arrives, I still don’t have the time.

It was especially troubling when I searched up a video I intended to watch now but impulsively went to add it to my watch later list. Insert facepalm.

I guess it’s a mixed breed of perfectionism and procrastination. But, does anyone actually know what to do about it? “Just start watching” is just about the worst advice. The thing is, I can’t seem to “just start watching.”

Have you any tips or advice for a fellow perfectionist? Is anyone else facing this or a similar problem?

Let me know in the comments!

And, thankyou in advance.

Until next time,





Lover of all things tea, books, journaling, and poetry.